Make a Difference
As a business, our mission to go beyond ourselves and as such, at the outset, we have decided to dedicate 1% of our annual profit toward a charity organisation in Singapore. We are not a big multinational corporation, but we believe every bit can help and in our little way, we strive to give back.
The Situation
Every year, over 130 children, with the majority between the ages of 0 to 4 years old, are diagnosed with cancer in Singapore. The most common cancer of which being diagnosed is Leukemia.
Whilst Singapore boasts world-class medical capabilities, a majority of the children and their families are ill-prepared to cope with the diagnosis emotionally and financially.
What we are doing about it?
1% of our profit is pledged to this cause.
We aim to help these families financially, socially and emotionally through the process.
suavesmith will be dedicating a portion of our earnings and efforts to charities already functioning towards the goal of benefiting children with cancer directly.
Please note we are not asking for donations nor are we representing ourselves as a charity. We are a private business paying it forward by first selling a great product.