Gone are the days when hair styling was just for women. Nowadays, men are taking grooming more seriously and are embracing wax products as well. These haircare products come as a great relief for men looking to style their hair for an important event or milestone in life. Although they offer fantastic help, finding the right hair wax for your hair is also a challenge from time to time.
Those looking for hair wax should note that one’s hair type dictates which wax product to use. But even so, there is always a phenomenal hair wax waiting to make every type of hair look sleek, dapper and on point. This begs the question, how do you choose the right hair wax for your hair? Read on and learn how to do it.
What kind of hair are you looking to style?
Whether your hair is thick, thin, or curly, it absolutely deserves the best products to make it stand out. It’s also extremely important to use extra safe wax products from trusted companies to avoid ruining your hair. Here is a simple guide below on how to choose your wax depending on your hair:
Short Hair
Arguably, this is the most common hairstyle across the world. With this kind of hair, you can choose almost any variant depending on your styling.
If you prefer your hair to be lifted from the scalp and remain the same way the entire day, then feel free to choose a wax that holds. Likewise, a fiber wax can do wonders if you have thicker hair as it can give your hair some stronghold, a little shine, and makes it incredibly easy to remove.
Medium Length Hair
This is a classic laid back hairstyle that has been around for a long time. To style your hair this way, you need a strong hold wax with a bit of shine to it. Pomade wax would be perfect for this styling, plus it mostly comes in a balm and stays longer than other wax types. Also, it works well in virtually all hair types (either wet or dry).
Thin Hair
This type of hair needs a wax product with a strong hold that could add volume to make it look thicker. Clay wax is ideal for this hair type especially for older guys who want to hide their receding hairline. It’s also worth noting that those with this hair type should avoid soft and oily wax products as they will likely cause unwanted damage.
Shaggy Hair
Shaggy hairstyle is rapidly becoming modernized. More and more people are styling and going for this hairstyle as part of their self expression. In order to achieve this look, you need a clay wax that combines a few elements. For instance, you need a wax that won't collapse your hair, has softening effects, makes your hair shine, and has a healthy radiance to be able to give justice to this hairstyle.
There’s no denying that getting the best type of hair wax product will give you the confidence to rock that favorite hairstyle that you’re going for.

To make hairstyling as easy as possible, don’t hesitate to use an awesome smelling matte wax product from Suavesmith. You can’t go wrong with their long-lasting water-based wax especially if you are always on the go as it offers a natural matte finish and stronghold for any type of hairstyle.
View Suavesmith Matte Wax and the collection of hairstyling essentials here